Monday, March 31, 2008

Election season is here!

Yes friends, it is time to once again vote for a new president., and man are the choices this year sad or what.

Let's review...

We'll start with John McCain. The oldest guy running and probably the only one I'd trust to protect America from any terrorist attacks. John Boy was a POW in Vietnam as we all know, and I kinda think he may still be a wee bit messed up from the experience and who can blame him. I sometimes think he would be most likely to start up a war, especially with Korea. He might still be pissed off and wants to take it out on somebody.

Barack Obama.... the youngst on the list. The least experienced they say. That might work in his favor as we've seen what the "experienced" are capable of screwing up. I don;t concern myself with his racist preacher he once assosiated with, but concern myself more with if Obama believes it and thinks that way. His wife didn't help his campaign much when she said she was "proud to be Ameican for the first time." Come on bitch, you had it easier then most folks in this country, black and white, with your private schooling and silver spoon childhood.

Hillary Clinton.... where do I begin. This one takes the cake. Talks about her 35 years of "fighting for the people." Try looking up some accomplishments and all you find is political fluff. Nothing of any real substance. Go ahead, check out Google on it. Universla Health Care is the real reason I oppose her. You want to give free care to drug users and alcoholics and people who got cancer from chain smoking there whole life? I don't think so. If we didn't have people like that to begin with we wouldn't have the health care crisis that exists today. Somewhere a little girl with lukemia can't get care beause hospitals are filled with dumb asses who got themselves all messed up with their cocaine and heroine use, or drove like a NASCAR wannabe and crashed into a telephone pole.

Yeah I know it's not much to go on. This was just alittle vent I needed to get some crap out about politicians and such.

I think I'm gonna vote for the Libertarian candidate again this year. I'm sick of this lesser of two evils bullshit.

See ya at the polls!

Monday, July 16, 2007

Health Care in America

So the Health care issue has resurfaced here in America. Thanks to Micheal "Fat Ass" Moore and his latest facist propaganda, we have to worry about the socialists wanting to take over the American health System. Is this a good thing?

How often has Government control been a good thing? We all admit that they screwed up the welfare system. They haven't fixed the Illegal Alien problem. And didn't the Dems promise to bring the troops home THIS year? uh huh. Sure! Let's let the gubment handle our health problems.

Wake up fat asses! The health care problem in America is our fault! We eat bad foods, drink too much, smoke too much, have unsafe sex, drive without our seat belts on, don't wear helmets when we ride motorcycles, etc, etc, etc. We do all this stuff that royally fucks up our bodies, and then we piss and moan because the Health Care system can't keep up with us?

Folks, We the People have caused this mess of our health care system, and we want the Government to fix it?

I've heard chronic smokers complain because they can't get health insurance, but they won't give up smoking. People....all rights and freedoms aside, what the hell has to happen to realize that smoking is bad for you? Shit, I figured that out in grade school.

Now I drink alcohol. Love the Jack Daniels. But i don't drink so much that I get shitfaced and almost kill myself from alcohol poisoning or worse yet attempt to drive.

People who do these things in excess and hurt themselves and others, this is what is causing our insurance rates to go sky hi!!!! I pay extra car insurance because some asshole drives his car drunk is uninsured and crashes into a telephone pole. and then we pay high health premiums because this same asshole now needs a liver transplant and we have to pay to fix him because of his destructive behavior.

This is why people with cancer can't get proper care, every other dumbass who think they are entightled to a feeebie becasue he/she does something stupid and hurts themselves. If we all just attempted to take better care of ourselves (myself included) maybe we could get the health care problem, that WE CREATED OURSLEVES, under control.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

What if........

Let's play "what if..."

What if the founding fathers could see the state of America today? Would they still create the Constitution and Bill of Rights as it exists today?

Suppose I went back in time and brought information (assuming I could prove it to them) about certain things they were setting up.

-If I showed them the bullshit that was "Bong Hits for Jesus" and explained how some punk kid felt that it was "protected free speech," would they have second thoughts about the First Amendment? I bet they'd leave out the free press part if I showed them a few celebrity mags! *LOL*
**side note** ya know, when I was in grade school and first heard about the free press thing, I thought it meant that newspapers were suppose to be given away for free and they were breaking the law by selling them. *LOL* silly me ^_^

-What if I showed them statistics of crime? Would they NOT create the second amendment? Then again, I could show them how gun ownership in fact DETERS crime, them maybe they might make THAT one the first amendment. I wonder if I could convince them to make gun ownership a requirement? hmmm.

-Here's a good one. I go back and show the FFs that politicians in the present are concerned more about their re-elections then serving the public good. Maybe I can convince them to create term limits right off the bat. And it would need to apply to ALL levels of Government. From the fed level all the way down to city and lower if there is such a thing. 2 terms, 5 years each. If you can't get shit done in 10 years you have no business being in power.

-Then I'd convince these people to create a federal sales tax to collect money for the gubment. Think about it. No income tax EVER! Sales tax is the only fair tax there is because everybody has to pay it.

Let's see what else.....?
Oh this will grind some gears in people *heh heh heh*
I would make it so that the Fed DOES establish a religion. No joke. I'd do it! The country was founded by mostly Christians anyway, so Christianity would be the ONLY established religion. All it's off shoots would be allowed since it's all the same God (even though the morons in North Ireland don't seem to get that but that's for another entry).
BUT, no laws would be made how to worship God. Worship however you feel like. Or don't worship, wouldn't matter. I'd also allow the Jewish religion since Christianity evolved from Jewish faith.

- Oh yes, the sixth and seventh amendments have got to go. When I show the FFs how jury selection is done today I KNOW they will agree. I went for jury selection once and I swear, they make sure the dumbest motherfuckers get picked. Here I am all dressed decent like, college degree, a resonable amount of intelligence if I do say so myself, and who gets picked for duty? These nasty looking redneck dumb fucks who barely have a funtioning brain cell between them. This one girl looked like she was a prostitute. One moron couldn't even read the signs in the room. HE got picked.
So no more jury trials. At least not as they are today. Trial by a judiciary board only. People who at least know the fucking law! Then maybe there won't people getting 6 billion dollars because he used a curling iron to curl his pubic hair or something and burned his dick off.

That's enough gryping about this kind of thing for now I think

Greetings Blog-heads!

Welcome fellow blog-heads! You have entered the inner sanctum that is my mind. Watch for cobwebs and the rust on the gears *lol*

So you're probably asking yourself....What this blog gonna be about? Will it differ from other blogs?

Answers: It's gonna be about whatever pops into my head. It probably won't differ from too many other blogs.

This will contain random crap about whatever I damn well feel like posting. Sometimes it may be funny. Sometimes it will piss you off. Sometimes it won't have any effect at all. Oh by the way. For the most part this will be rated PG-13. Sometimes I will venture into R-Rated territory. The rules will change as I need them too. I love being in charge :)

There will be crap about life in general, politics, religion, world affairs, whatever.

Oh yeah. Post all the comments you want. Don't expect much reply from me though. No I'm not a blog snob. Just to lazy to reply. But comments will help me gauge the type of blog-heads are reading my stuff.

Here's to a future in blogging fun!